Monday, February 9, 2009


If there is one word that you find coming out like a bomb from the Upanishads, bursting like a bombshell upon masses of ignorance, it is the word “fearlessness.” - Swami Vivekanad


Vaibhav Bhandari said...

The whole secret of existence is to have no fear. Never fear what will become of you, depend on no one. Only the moment you reject all help are you free.
- Vivekanand

Mayank Trivedi said...

Secret to Fearlessness also lies in the boundarylessness and self reliance. More you believe in yourself, more would be your power and capacity to face the adversities and more would be your confidence.

You can say, Self belief is the Key to Fearlessness. Say I CAN DO IT and repeat it until you make yourself believe and you have done it.

- My Words from my opinion generated from my belief and my thoughts :)

Pranav Jha said...

Also fearlessness should not be considered as dare-devilery as stability of mind while taking fearless decision is absolutely essential.

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Mayank, I agree to what you say - Out of self reliance and self belief comes confidence, which in turn leads to Fearlessness, which ultimately leads to contentment.

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Pranav, you have rightly pointed out the other side of the story. Yes, the nature / act of fearlessness should come from stable mind and on persistent basis.
One time fearless acts might be shallow; and doesn't denote stability of mind and depth in thinking.

Mayank Trivedi said...

Pranav, Valid point there, but Dare Devilry that you are referring is not due to confidence, dare devilry is the state of mind where there is a scientific development in the body with infusion of extra adrenalin. Its the point where you are super exited and may be over confident at times.

This state is arrived at due to external factors and not from within.

Fearlessness is reflected in calm and composed mind due to Self Reliance and Self Resilience. You do not take decisions when it is fearlessness, you arrive at conclusions.
