Sunday, April 5, 2009

Each soul is potentially perfect

"A living body is not merely an integration of limbs and flesh but it is the abode of the soul which potentially has perfect perception (Anant-darshana), perfect knowledge (Anant-jnana), perfect power (Anant-virya), and perfect bliss (Anant-sukha)." - Mahavir


Vaibhav Bhandari said...

The spiritual power and moral grandeur of Mahavir's teachings
impressed the masses. He made religion simple and natural, free from elaborate ritual complexities. His teachings reflected the popular
impulse towards internal beauty and harmony of the soul.

His message of nonviolence (Ahimsa), truth (Satya), non-stealing (Achaurya), celibacy (Brahma-charya), and non-possession
(Aparigraha) is full of universal compassion. Mahavir' teachings
reflects freedom and spiritual joy of the living being.

Mahavir was quite successful in eradicating from human intellect the conception of God as creator, protector, and destroyer. He also
denounced the worship of gods and goddesses as a means of salvation.
He taught the idea of supremacy of human life and stressed the
importance of the positive attitude of life.

Lord Mahavir also preached the gospel of universal love, emphasizing that all living beings, irrespective of their size, shape, and form
how spiritually developed or under-developed, are equal and we
should love and respect them.

In the matters of spiritual advancement, as envisioned by Mahavir, both men and women are on an equal footing. The lure of renunciation and liberation attracted women as well. Many women followed Mahavir's path and renounced the world in search of ultimate happiness.

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

This truth that 'each soul is potentially perfect' can be well corelated with Shankaracharya's philosophy quoted below -

"[I am] the nature of Pure Consciousness. I am always the same to beings, one alone; [I am] the highest Brahman, which, like the sky, is all-pervading, imperishable, auspicious, uninterrupted, undivided and devoid of action. I do not belong to anything since I am free from attachment. [I am] the highest Brahman... ever-shining, unborn, one alone, imperishable, stainless, all-pervading, and nondual-That am I, and I am forever released."