Monday, September 28, 2009

Dreamers are Achievers

Its easy to Dream, but hard to convert those dreams in reality. But it may be Hard though its not unattainable. They say "Dreamers are Achievers because they dream and work towards achieving what they dream"

Don't be disheartened with the Failures in life, as every failure gives you the opportunity to learn "How not to do the things" So its a journey to learn and make it possible to achieve. Failures are not roadblocks they are the milestones achieved in the process.

So go on to dream and convert your Dreams to Success. If you won't give it a try, you would be telling yourself sometime in future - Why didn't I give it a Shot? or Wish I had done that!!!!

Words from the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

Thursday, September 24, 2009


They say Decisions made with calculations are the Best Decisions, I tend to Disagree for the Murphy's Law says - When you think you have taken care of all the issues, you have left the biggest one unattended. I believe in Decisions taken Intuitively and belive they are the Most Optimized Decisions. Just consider - While Driving its your Intuitive sense that helps make Decisions and not calculative sense.

Words from the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Mark your presence in this World

All of us are born someday, all of us are headed to die someday and the time between someday and someday goes faster than we can imagine. The way I say I would love to be finished of faster than I can breath, but in the moment between love to do something that would help the mankind, the human race in a manner that I would make a mark making the moment I lived a period in the History.

Words From the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

"Living like a Lion is no big deal, live like an ant that lives a pretty short span of its life, but transport the burden that's more than its own weight...."

To Win is not Important

Winning is not as important and losing and finding someone Happy. Your gain is not in winning, it is in seeing someone happy and someone feeling better even for the moment it be

Words From the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

Love is never lost

Love is something that changes its form and is never lost. In childhood you love your Parents and toys the most, as you grow up the form of love changes and you are attracted to opposite sex, mind it you love for your parents hasn't been lost just that priorities and the form changes....when you find someone with whom you wanna spend life, your Love again transforms, but the Love is never lost. If you think your beloved broke your heart and left you in lurch and that's Loss of Love, then you need to rethink, as the Love transforms again and you start loving your Pet or your Plants or some other creative stuff like Literature, Paintings, Music....

So Love is Never Lost, it just Transforms....

Words From the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

Preparedness v/s Being Present

Being Prepared for a situation or Being Present in a Situation leads to different results in the same set of events as they flow through the situation. Preparedness for that matter restricts the functionality and Versatility of Human mind to the Extent that mind works Uni-directionally. Look at the other perspective Being Present in a Situation helps you grab and build on a lead its instantaneous and helps you tackle the Situation in much better a fashion. That's why They Say - Presence of Mind is better than Preparedness of Mind.

Words from the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

Out of Box Thinking

Out of the Box thinking comes from a Baby Mind out of your innocence, not from learned self. That's where we need to ensure that a Baby in us Exists at All Times. Never Let your Innocence and Intuition be ruled over by the Calculation of Experience to be able to "Think Out of the Box"

Words from the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

Monday, September 14, 2009

Be a rebellion

"Be a rebellion; break through the society; disobey the rules of society. There is nothing called society in reality. Be a rebellion; challenge all the traditions & religions, all the preachers & teachers, all the saints & the society and make your own foundation." - Vaibhav

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Way of loving

"People love you all the time, its just that they can't love you the way you understand love. They love the way they know to love." - Unknown

Monday, September 7, 2009

Surrounded by all we need

Immersed in water, you stretch out your hands for a drink.
We are surrounded by all that we need and we could ever wish for, but, that, we are not conscious of. We are seeking continuously and desperately for something or someone out of dissatisfaction with our so-called ordinary lives. But if we cannot appreciate the wonder of simply being alive, we will never be truly content in this transitory world.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


You must be the change you want to see in the world. - Vivekanand