Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love is never lost

Love is something that changes its form and is never lost. In childhood you love your Parents and toys the most, as you grow up the form of love changes and you are attracted to opposite sex, mind it you love for your parents hasn't been lost just that priorities and the form changes....when you find someone with whom you wanna spend life, your Love again transforms, but the Love is never lost. If you think your beloved broke your heart and left you in lurch and that's Loss of Love, then you need to rethink, as the Love transforms again and you start loving your Pet or your Plants or some other creative stuff like Literature, Paintings, Music....

So Love is Never Lost, it just Transforms....

Words From the Soul of
Mayank Trivedi

1 comment:

Elin said...

Mmm, very wise words, and of course true. Love is not and cannot be lost.Though you may feel that no love is left in your darkest hours, remember that the darkest hours never last. Love prevail no matter what :)