Sunday, November 21, 2010

Creating organic unity

The word religion is very beautiful, but because of these priests it has fallen into wrong company. The word comes from an origin which means "coming together." But the priests have been doing just the opposite! They are creating splits in man, not oneness. Religion means creating in man organic unity. It has nothing to do with God, it has something to do with you. It has nothing to do with worship, it has something to do with a transformation of your own consciousness. ~ Osho


Mayank Trivedi said...

Food for thought - Worship is the process of awakening your conscious in a sublime manner. It is the process that points you towards your inner strengths and the self belief. It is the process of developing your wisdom.....

All this can happen when you would follow the process of worship with the knowledge of what and why are you doing something.....

Worship is more of a Scientific Process!!!

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Workship is just one of the many ways. And what these priest teach us is certainly not the right way as rightly said by osho that religion is to unit and not to divide.