Saturday, December 13, 2008

Love is the real poetry

"Love is the only real poetry. When the heart is full of love your whole life is transformed from prose to poetry, from noise to music, from discord to harmony."
Excerpted from "Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones" by Osho

1 comment:

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Osho describes it further -

A heart without love is a desert, and the man with a heart without love remains ugly. His approach towards life is very unpoetic. He has no aesthetic sensibility, no sense to appreciate the beauty of existence and no awareness to be grateful for all that God has done, for all that the universe is. Only the poet knows how to praise and how to be grateful and how to dance and sing and how to celebrate life and its tremendous blissfulness.

It is such a sheer joy to be. Just to be is enough, more than is needed, but one needs to be sensitive to feel it, one needs to grow feelers. That's my work here: to help grow feelers in you so that life is no longer a thought but becomes more a feeling. Once you have moved from thinking to feeling then is only one step more, and that is from feeling to being; and that is very simple. The first step is very difficult. The second comes almost automatically: there's nothing you have to do for it. The first is very arduous: you have to do much to move from thinking to feeling. But from feeling to being the distance is none at all. It can happen any moment. The poet can become the mystic at any moment. The real problem is how to get out of your thinking and get more and more into feeling.

Love more, feel more, enjoy more, so that you can feed your heart. Watch the sunrise, the sunset, the clouds, the rainbows, the birds on the wings, the flowers, the animals, the rocks, the people -- look into their eyes. It is such a multidimensional existence. Look into every dimension but look as a poet: to praise, to feel. Be ecstatic!