Friday, December 26, 2008

No hurry!

Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished. - Lao Tzu


Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Here is a very beautiful Zen Koan -

"Water heats gradually
and boils suddenly."

We cannot force the natural course of events; everything happens in its 'right' time. The process is gradual, and hence may appear slow to us as we are often too impatient with expectations, but the change takes place within an instant.

Similarly, awakening can not be forced, but may be encouraged; just like a seed which sprouts naturally when the right conditions prevail.

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Comments received on FaceBook:

If only I could wait untill it is supposed to be, I could save myself a lot of pain
- Thomas Springer

Thomas, i think the modern lifestyle has made us so much impatient. And we believe that every thing is in our control. What a illusion we are living in? Why haste, why anxiety?... We should not waste time, but haste also. We are living as if we are not living to love and enjoy. We need be little patient, let the things happen at their own pace and we should only watch them ...this will only come through meditation.
- Vaibhav Bhandari

True.. and so much wisdom at such young age.. V, well done !!
- Priyanka Chaturvedi Agrawal