Tuesday, December 2, 2008


"The feeling of gratefulness can arise only if we become aware of what existence is giving us. We have nothing to give in return, hence we feel deep gratitude. We are not worthy of it all, we don't deserve it. Still the flowers bloom, still the sun rises, still the moon comes, and the stars..... Still the existence goes on giving, whether we take any note of it or not." - Osho


Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Remain grateful for as long as you can remember. If you forget, okay. When you remember again, feel grateful even for small things. Somebody just smiled at you - feel grateful. Somebody said hello - feel grateful, because there is no need and no necessity that somebody should say hello.

Even the suffering has to be gratefully accepted, because it is the very seed of a buddha.

Feel grateful to pain, suffering, old age, death, because all these are creating the situation for you to search for truth. Otherwise you would fall asleep; otherwise you would be so comfortable that you would become vegetable.

- Osho

Vaibhav Bhandari said...

Gratitude to Existence

See the sun is shining for you, all for you
The flowers are smiling at you, all for you
See the beauty of the trees, the forests
Listen to the sound of the river and the ocean
The existence is showering her love on you
Everything in this nature is rejoicing around you

All for you, all for free, just for you
On its own, without even demanding for it
Increase your sensitivity, expand your consciousness
Be thankful for this beautiful gift, be grateful
Show your gratitude to the existence
Through love, peace, and harmony

- Vaibhav

Anonymous said...

GRATITUDE - Don't hesitate to accept compliments. You earned them!
The deeper reason to take a compliment: It feels good to acknowledge your positives. Practice by making a list of what you like about yourself. Then get a list from a close friend or family member. Go over the lists to get yourself used to hearing praise.

The next time you get a compliment, don't analyze it, just accept it. No excuses, no deflection. Trust that the giver is sincere, and say, "Thank you." That's it.If you're still a little flustered, follow up with: "That's very nice of you to say."

Finally, let yourself feel good. You deserve it!